Power Mapping

Power Mapping


Simple diagram for Power Mapping activities.

An additional activity that stimulated CC critical civic engagement skills was Power Mapping.    The VV trainer taught this exercise while training a group of college students who were participating in a Community Media training event at the TATA Institute of Social Sciences.  The students in this class were preparing for an event where they would train community media correspondents.

The exercise started with a real topic from a CC (for example broken hand pump in a village), and then used a quadrant map to locate the degree of power that certain political or community leaders had to impact the Issue and produce change.  This activity helped answer the question of who should be interviewed for an Issue Film, and also cultivated higher level thinking skills within the film production process about strategic sequencing, scheduling interviews, etc. This activity is shared in detail in the Lesson Plan portion of this manual


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June 1, 2016